Dear Andrew, Astron Solutions provides high-quality, low-cost, innovative human resources consulting services to organizations like yours. Call us for advice, innovative program design, and user-friendly Web/PC based software. | Happy Birthday! | December is a busy birthday month here at Astron! Please join us in wishing Happy Birthday to Astron's blogmaster Andrew Katz (December 2) and Senior Statistical Analyst Francine Giocondo (December 10)! | Fact or Fiction...With a Twist! | Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL is twice the size of Manhattan, New York. FACT! At its largest, Walt Disney World in Orlando covers about 46 square miles (30,000 acres). The island of Manhattan, in New York City, is an estimated 23 square miles (14,720 acres). Heading to Disney World this December to celebrate the season? Do you have some wonderful Disney photos from previous trips you'd like to share? Send us your favorite pictures as part of our Astronology reader contest. The winners will receive a Starbucks gift card and see their photos published in the next issue! | Winter Blues: Motivating Employees | Although the winter season is mostly noted for its joyous holiday festivities, in the workplace this time of year can signal a time for slowing down. Many employees become distracted due to seasonal merriment or the exhaustion the festivities often bring. This issue of Astronology takes a peek into how HR leaders can motivate employees, even when there are economic hardships, distractions, or exhaustion present within the organization....more | Have a Question? | If you have a topic you would like addressed in Astronology, or some feedback on a past article, don't hesitate to tell us! Simply reply to this e-mail. See your question answered, or comments addressed, in an upcoming issue of Astronology. Looking for a top-notch presenter for your human resource organization's meeting? Both Jennifer Loftus and Michael Maciekowich present highly-rated sessions on a variety of compensation and employee retention issues. For more information, send an e-mail to | The Fine Print | We hold your e-mail address in trust. Astron Solutions promises never to share or rent your personal information. We also promise never to send you frivolous e-mails and will allow you to leave our list, at your option, at any time. To remove yourself from this list, please follow your personalized subscriber link at the bottom of your Astronology alert e-mail. Copyright 2009, Astron Solutions, LLC ISSN Number 1549-0467 | | | | World of HR Blog | Bringing you Human Resource news from around the globe...compliments of Astron Solutions. More | | | |
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