Monday, October 16, 2006

Ants Marching

On this Monday we first look into the Boston Globe which says that slowly, in an office setting, we all begin to think, act, look, and talk like one another. Is this a good or a bad thing for an office? On the one hand everyone is in the same state of mind and on the other it may not be great for having a dynamic, diverse decide: click here

Also from the Boston Globe, word about a new way to sell in today's market: with interesting read, especially with the talk of the merger of Google and YouTube, and maybe something to think about when hiring new employees: click here

And lastly, from the New York Times, about the training of workers to fix computers and giving them a new lease on life...part of the old adage of giving someone a job or the skills to do ajob being the best form of charity because then they can provide for themsleves...check it out: click here

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