Saturday, December 15, 2007

How to Say Good-bye

Although the temptation may be out there to leave a job like Tom Cruise's character famously did in Jerry Maguire, the key is to say good-bye in the right way.

Even though you may have felt wrong or slighted or have all the reason in the world to tell your old boss off, don't do it. Similarly, if you're an HR professional, an employee leaving may feel like the right time to tell them how you REALLY feel about them; don't do it.

If you feel you have something appropriate and constructive to get off your chest, by all means do it, but do it in a good, respectful way. Even if it's very, very far from it, make it seem like it was your problem instead of the other person's. And by all means, if you're going to go out there and tell someone off, try not to drag anyone else under the bus.

Employment Search Guide says that when leaving a job, do not burn bridges: click here

The Boston Globe (with credit to answers in this Q&A that how you leave the old job is as key as finding the new one: click here

More on this to follow....

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