Thursday, November 05, 2009

Yankees Win, thhhhhheeeeee Yankees Win (and a few HR articles)

We don't hide our baseball loyalty very well here at the Astron Solutions blog. We're (Myself, Jennifer and Mike) big Yankees fans and we're gloating today after the Yankees took home #27! They were able to overcome controversy, weak areas and past failures to finally capture the biggest prize.

Love or hate the Yankees, you have to respect how well-run their organization is, regardless of the money. They put the right people in the right situations to succeed and pushed guys when they could be pushed. They stuck behind guys like Alex Rodriguez who had trouble outside the workplace and allowed him to succeed at the workplace. It's a good model for HR to replicate.

A few HR articles for you as I get ready to head to the Canyon of Heroes tomorrow:

  • Wired has an awful story about a woman losing her job because of an error in the FBI criminal database. Ouch.
  • Lastly, word today from The New York Times on the House of Representatives extending the jobless benefits.


  1. I think I should start reading a lot of stuff in The Wall Street Journal so that I can like my mentor and can concentrate to do the right things.

  2. I hope we deprived souls in UK will have more baseball in the near future! Even more exhibition games would do...

    and Yankees are definitely a good HR model



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